Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

TOEFL Lessons 3

Irregular Plurals
The vast majority of nouns in the English language are made plural by adding an “s” or “es” to the end of the word. For example, book, apple, house, table, door, cat, bush, boss are just some of the millions of words that become plural with the simple addition of an “s” (books, apples, houses, tables, doors, cats, bushes, bosses). However, certain nouns have “irregular” plurals which do not behave in this standard way.
There are 4 mouses in my room.
There are 4 mice in my room.
Non-count nouns
have no plural form because they are assumed to be plural.
Hair à There are many different styles of hair.
Grass à There are several kinds of grass.
Mud à There are three different kinds of mud.
Plurals That Change its Form
Mouse à mice
Tooth à teeth
Goose à geese
Foot à feet
Louse à lice
Man à men
Fungus à fungi
Child à Children
Person à People
Curriculum à curricula
Datum à data
Analysis à analyses
Other Irregular Plurals
For words that end in “fe,” you change the letter “f” to the letter “v” and then add “s” Knife = knives —–Wife = wives
For words that end in “f” you change the “f” to a “v” and add “es” Half = halves —Loaf = loaves
For words that end in “us,” change the “us” to an “i” —–Syllabus = syllabi
For words that end in “o” add “es”—-Tomato = tomatoes
Un-changing nouns
Fish à fish
Deer à deer
Sheep à sheep
Series à series
Bison à bison

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